Books, Literature, Readers Advisory, and More

Contemporary Authors logo

This database has biographies on more than 120,000 writers. State-funded.

LitFinder logo

Explore world literature and writers throughout history (ancient to current) with a wealth of literary works, including poems, short stories, speeches, and plays — with plot summaries, what the writing means, pictures, and stories about the authors.  State-funded.

NoveList Plus logo

Includes book recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and reading recommendations for both fiction and non-fiction – for all ages. Library-funded.

Select Reads logo

This service allows you to sign up to receive email notifications when new materials in your preferred genres, by your favorite authors, or on topics of interest to you are added to our collection. Library-funded.

The Pittsburgh Novel logo

This online annotated bibliography includes all known fiction with a significant geographical setting in any of Pennsylvania’s 26 westernmost counties published between 1792 and 2022 – more than 1,500 works.

Digital eBook Collections

Enjoy the stories you love wherever you are! Find ebooks, audiobooks, magazines & more that you can download directly to your phone, tablet or computer.

Print Collections

Library users have access to over one-million items from the SPL collection and libraries throughout Allegheny County. Search the Library Catalog to find items right here at SPL, or select items from other libraries and we will have them shipped here to SPL for you to pick up.