We are absolutely thrilled to announce the newest addition to the our e-resource lineup: Creativebug.

Creativebug is a hub for any level of creative – from those just seeking out a little artistic outlet to the tried and true crafter extraordinaire. There are hundreds of classes to choose from and each can be done at the pace of the user; no pressure to complete a class on any specific timeline.

It’s a quick process to sign up for Creativebug. You only need to provide your library card number, your e-mail address, and create a password.

There are also a variety of one-off projects that can be done in an afternoon. If you enjoy a particular instructor, you can take more of their classes as they expand on a specific pursuit. For instance, Yao Cheng is a popular Creativebug instructor that focuses on watercolor. For example, you can begin with her “Supplies and Basic Techniques” class before moving onto “Mark-Making and Expression Brush Strokes.”

Each class includes the accompanying video, but also supplemental materials. You can view transcript of the class or download a PDF that includes the necessary materials and the procedure to complete the project.

Beyond these class offerings, Creativebug also has a Daily Practice series that includes over 50 topics. These are designed to help users pursue a specific artistic endeavor as a daily (or, almost daily!) exercise. These are less about the final result and more about the journey along the way.

Crafters Rejoice: Creativebug is Here!