Have you checked out Hoopla yet? Hoopla offers thousands of free videos, audiobooks, ebooks, and music – available to check out immediately. That’s right – THERE IS NO WAIT!
Simply use your library card to create an account and begin downloading titles right now! You can check out up to 10 titles 15 titles per month (limit increased due to COVID) – mixing and matching music, video or books. You can access Hoopla from a phone, tablet or desktop and can watch/listen offline – so you can take all of your great titles with you!
There are awesome selections for adults, teens and kids! Find great music from popular artists like Billie Eilish, Lizzo, Drake, Imagine Dragons, Tom Petty and Carrie Underwood. There are also popular ebooks/audiobooks/comic titles for all-ages of readers. Plus, tons of movies and television shows!
Not sure how to get started on your device? Schedule a Tech Cafe with a Librarian for a one-on-one personalized tech session or watch our Library Online Resources step-by-step tutorial. Have just a few questions? You can always call us (412-741-6920) or stop by the Reference Desk at the library for some answers.