The Sewickley Public Library knows how hard it can be for community members to navigate the information they find online. In today’s world of increasingly partisan and vitriolic politics, the words “fake news” get thrown around a lot. But what does that mean? Who creates it and how does it spread? How can you know what you are hearing and reading is accurate and true?

In order to help users sort through the barrage of information, the library is hosting two Fake News & Information Literacy Workshops to take users inside the wild, devious world of fake news, of present and past, and give you the tools you need to fight it. These free programs are PublicSource Citizen’s Toolkit courses made possible by the Allegheny County Library Association.

The first workshop is geared toward teens and will be held on Thursday, September 19. The class for adults is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1. Both programs will begin at 6:30pm in the library’s community room.

Advanced registration for either session is required.

Follow this link to register for the TEEN session on 9/17.

Follow this link to register for the ADULT session on 10/1.

Upcoming: Fake News & Information Literacy Workshop