According to the Mission Statement of the Sewickley Public Library of the Quaker Valley School District, the library strives to provide: “…free access to informational, educational, cultural and recreational library resources that address the interests and needs of the children and adults in the greater Quaker Valley community.”

The Library recognizes that patrons of different abilities deserve access to the resources that we provide. On this page you will find a list of resources that offer increased accessibility to our resources for our special needs patrons.

Accessibility Options that are offered by the Sewickley Public Library

Building Accessibility

ADA Accessible Entrance Ramps

Elevator Access to Second Floor

ADA Compliant Paths of Travel

Available Collections and Equipment

Large Print and Audiobook Collections

Digital eBook and Audiobook Collections with adjustable font style, size and color modes

Video Magnifier Viewer to enhance and enlarge print books and magazines

For additional collections available for Pennsylvania residents, check out the Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP) collections.

Available Services, Programs and Options

Website accessibility with adjustable font and color modes

Closed-captioning option on Sewickley Public Library YouTube channel videos

Adaptive/sensory and therapy/support animal programs. See Event Calendar for availability.

Library card membership access accommodations for users who cannot access the library in-person. Contact the Circulation Department at 412-741-6920 for details

Library Computer Software

JAWS screen reader (on the Desktop) – this program enables individuals who are blind or visually impaired to access the information on a computer screen through voice output.

Magnifier (in the Ease of Access folder under the Start Menu) – Magnifier enlarges different parts of the screen. This is especially useful for viewing objects that are difficult to see, but also for seeing the whole screen more easily.

Also, be sure to visit the eiNetwork’s website to learn about other resources that are available throughout the county: