Aleppo  Glenfield  Sewickley
 Bell Acres  Haysville  Sewickley Heights
 Edgeworth  Leet  Sewickley Hills
 Glen Osborne


Frequently Used Phone Numbers – Find the phone numbers for post offices, animal control, voter registration and more.

Area Schools – Information on Private & Public Schools, Child Care Centers, Nonprofits & Pre-Schools in the Quaker Valley Area

Local Organizations – From Country Clubs to the VFW and everything in between.

Resources for Immigrants and Newcomers – New to the Area? Find a list of local resources to provide informational, legal, financial, medical, educational assistance, and more.

Social Services Resources – Information on food resources, shelters, mental health needs, medical assistance, energy assistance, career resources, financial resources and more.

Tax Information – Find links to filing taxes, getting tax forms and instructions, and locating free tax preparation assistance.

Voter Information – Resources to register to vote, find your polling place, request an absentee or mail-in ballot, learn more about candidates and more.

Government Contacts
PA Representatives
Pennsylvania Governor
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senators
U.S. President

Not sure whom to reach out to? Use the search tool at Find Your Legislator.