We have entire departments dedicated to help our users find the information and resources they need. Find what you are looking for in our Adult, Teen & Children’s departments.

The Children’s Department at the Sewickley Public Library is a great destination spot. The department offers fun & engaging programs for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children. Explore book, audiobook & movie collections for all-ages and stages. And get great librarian-recommended booklists to inspire a life-long love of reading.

There is so much available at SPL just for TEENS! Find super rad programs, not-your-parents reading lists, homework help and research guides, and more ways than we can count to win prizes of all sorts.

Whether you’re looking for a guide to the newest titles in our collection or the latest holiday flicks, find recommendations, read-alikes, librarian picks, movie reviews, themed reads and so much more on the blog from the Adult Department.