The Sewickley Query Club is over 150 years old—even older than our library! This historic group is made up of men and women who meet for the purpose of presenting scholarly papers based on a pre-determined topic which the members chose each season.
This year’s topic is “On This Date.” Each presenter has selected a date in history and will discuss why that date is worth remembering. Two 30-40 minutes papers are presented each evening with light refreshments in between. It is free to attend any of the presentations. If you would like to be a presenter, you can become a member of the Query Club. There is an annual due of $10. The club is always pleased to welcome newcomers!
The 2023-24 year begins Monday, October 2 at 7:00pm in the Community Room of the library.
October 2 Presentations
Janet Oellig
“Feb. 23, 1861 – The Baltimore Plot to Assassinate Abraham Lincoln”
Lynne Schneider
“June 28, 1914 – The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo”
October 16 Presentations
Connor Cogswell
“Feb. 3, 1959 – The Day the Music Died”
John Orndorff
“66 Million Years Ago – The Birthday of our Geologic Age”
Watch the library’s online calendar for future meeting dates and topics!